Again, we are reminding you that the new BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL and ATTENDANCE LEGISLATION changes are fully up and running in school establishments. Please remember that BCC are actively involved in SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MATTERS.
We are currently getting requests from parents for extended leave during term time. Please be aware that periods of extended leave will not be authorised during term time - if you take your child out of school for extended leave then you will be fined. BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL & THE EDUCATION LEGAL TEAM are actively involved in partnership with all school establishments. Please make sure that you are fully aware of the BCC changes and legislation changes.
It is vital that your child is in school every day and on time - a reminder that the school gates close at 8:45 each day. As the attached table shows, even a small amount of time missed can have a huge impact on your child's development and could lead to them falling significantly behind their peers.
Our attendance policy, key points include:
- The introduction of a 'golden time' activity afternoon for the class with the best weekly attendance
- Termly prize draw for each key stage for all children with over 96% attendance for that term. Prizes will be £50 vouchers for a family activity such as bowling or the cinema
- Mr. Foley and Mr. Stephenson will be inviting parents of children with concerning attendance into school to discuss ways to improve attendance and support the school could possibly offer
- BCC now draw up attendance contracts for parents. School establishments have to follow BCC attendance matters. BCC now monitor attendance and will act accordingly if they are concerned about a child's attendance.
We will be carrying out our termly attendance prize draw during the last week of term. Your child has to be in it, to win it! THE CHILDREN LOVE THE ATTENDANCE WHEEL DRAW!