SAFEGUARDING in ST. BERNARD'S SCHOOL - it's what we do - your DSL Team16 January 2025 (by admin) |
Your DSL in school (Designated Safeguarding Leads) are here to help you and your family. Safeguarding is absolutely key in everything we do because we want the BEST for your child and every child.
We are fully committed to safeguarding all pupils in our care. We take child protection and safeguarding issues very seriously. Safeguarding is key! Every child deserves safety and wellbeing.
The DSL team for St. Bernard's Safeguarding are Mr. Foley (Head Teacher), Mr. Stephenson (Deputy Head Teacher), Mrs. O'Brien (Senior Leader/Phase Lead for UKS2), Mrs. Quinn (Phase Lead for EYFS), Miss. Reely (Senior Leader/Phase Lead for KS1), and Mrs. Smith (Computing/Online Safety Lead).
Please do contact school if you have any concerns. We are here to help because it's about the safety and wellbeing of all children in our care.
We also have a wonderful Family Support Worker - Eunice Smith. Here to help, guide and support.
We also have a wonderful School Nurse - Nurse Jo. Here to help, listen, support, challenge, and advise.
Worried about a child?
Please contact the Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or visit their website.
Outside of normal office hours call the Emergency Duty Team on
0121 675 4806