St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    St Bernard's Catholic Primary School News

    The latest news stories from St Bernard's Catholic Primary School.


    News Stories

    • HOT WEATHER...stay safe!
      Of course the weather has been lovely recently and children need to be prepared accordingly when they are in school.
    • LOCKDOWN - 'listen and learn' PODCAST at HOME
      We're bringing to your home some FANTASTIC TOP PODCASTS for your attention - the more you listen, the more you LEARN! Our wonderful English Lead, 'READ the Miss Reely way', wants you to CHECK OUT these great PODCASTS! Do it this week St. Bernard's!
    • Another TOP 5 'listen and learn' HOMESCHOOLING PODCASTS
      Don't forget to check on these FABULOUS learning PODCASTS as well!
    • HEALTHY BODY - HEALTHY MIND - every little helps!
      The YOUTH SPORTS TRUST has lots of great fitness and physical educational resources for you and your family. Simply check out the following link...
    • TAKE CARE - your health matters to us
      Final day of our MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS focus week. We hope the messages have helped you and we hope the children have enjoyed doing more activities related to their mental health. KEEP GOING and GIVING IT YOUR BEST - we know it's not easy.
      Most of you will be well aware that there is a huge complex of flats/apartments being built as part of the new CARE HOME project at the bottom of the Wake Green Road (opposite Springfield Road). The project is due to last for a significant amount of time.
      It’s true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and can help protect you from stress.
      It's MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS week and we wanted to signpost help centres to you if you NEED that EXTRA support. Please phone school for advice and ask to speak to Mr. O'Leary or Mr. Stephenson.
      We're calling it our WELLBEING WEDNESDAY and Mr. O'Leary and Mr. Stephenson have just recorded their lockdown week 5 video clip so look out for it coming your way later during the week (it's about mental health awareness).
      We LOVE this resource site and we know some children (and parents) have already CHECKED IT OUT and LOVE IT!
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