St Bernard's Catholic Primary School

    St Bernard's Catholic Primary School News

    The latest news stories from St Bernard's Catholic Primary School.


    News Stories

    • EPIPHANY - What's your journey?
      Y5/Y6 were a credit to the school as they celebrated the special Mass of the EPIPHANY with Father Gerry.
    • PE on WEDNESDAY for Y1, Y2 and Y3
      Message for all children in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 - PE takes place on WEDNESDAY so don't forget to WEAR YOUR PE kit.
    • WELCOME 2022 - see you all soon
      Beautiful GOSPEL reading this morning during Mass to lead us into the NEW YEAR as a school family...
    • LOOKING ahead - 4th SUNDAY of ADVENT
      We will certainly miss the children next week as we journey towards the birth of Jesus. It's been a wonderful experience leading them during this special season of ADVENT. So many activities, so many prayers, songs, carols and joyous time together.
    • MAKING a DIFFERENCE matters - it's what we're about
      We ALWAYS say to the children in our care, MAKE a DIFFERENCE and BE the DIFFERENCE - it's what we are about at St. Bernard's.
    • THANK YOU - what an eventful and enjoyable term!
      As 2021 comes to an end, it has indeed been a very challenging and yet enjoyable St. Bernard's term. A very eventful, fun, creative term and the St. Bernard's children never let you down - they are a real CREDIT to you all.
      It's the final SWAY of the year in 2021 and it's coming your way in the palm of your hand. Please take the time to read through it carefully.
      It's always a busy time during Christmas with FAMILY LOVE and precious occasions being spent together. It should always be that way. However, with current uncertainty due to covid etc. PLEASE take the time to talk with someone if you are worried.
    • THURSDAY GROTTO - sprinkling a little CHRISTMAS JOY
      The children are SOOOOOOOOO excited today - a little bit of CHRISTMAS MAGIC is in the school air...the beautiful school GROTTO is in town!
    • We're 'DB'ing' it all the way! REMOTE LEARNING (if needed in 2022)
      We are busily preparing behind the festive scenes regards POSSIBLE home learning for 2022 (just in case it's needed because you never know with the ever-changing covid situation!). More details to follow soon - it's about being prepared accordingly.
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