St Bernard's Catholic Primary School News
The latest news stories from St Bernard's Catholic Primary School.
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News Stories SAFER INTERNET DAY on the school HORIZON (Tuesday 8th February) Want to educate and safeguard your child? It's CRUCIAL to know about their ONLINE world and what they are doing, who they're communicating with, messages they're sharing... RECEPTION - ENRICHMENT ENRICHMENT! STAFF are busily working hard BEHIND the SCHOOL SCENES organising a SPECIAL ENRICHMENT DAY (going off-timetable to have FUN, CREATIVITY, FUN, MORE FUN, MORE CREATIVITY, with a little extra fun thrown in!) and get the children smiling, smiling, smiling! READ, READ, READ - our WONDERFUL PTA 2022 REMINDER, REMINDER, REMINDER...READING opportunities, reading for pleasure! SCHOOL PHOTOS - Tuesday 8th February
BOOK SALE ALERT - FRIDAY (don't miss out!) Our PTA are encouraging reading, reading, READING! Please READ on and you will find out... HOW'S YOUR WELLBEING? It's good to talk... It's always on our whole school safeguarding agenda - MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING. Not just for the children of St. Bernard's but for our parents also... READ IT, READ IT, READ-A-THON IT! Don't forget, don't forget - IT'S READ-A-THON time! The PTA fund-raising event NEWS... ENRICHMENT ENRICHING February 2022 Once a term we have an OFF-TIMETABLE ENRICHMENT day - it's all about WELLBEING, FUN and CREATIVITY! NEWSLETTER TIME - need to know It's all about READING, READING, READING at St. Bernard' READ ALL ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL. It's NEWSLETTER SWAY time, swaying into the palm of your hand. ATTENDANCE MATTERS - it just does! CONGRATS Y4! We are always REMINDING parents and children about the importance of maintaining GOOD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE - it certainly matters, it JUST DOES! One chance at EDUCATION so it MATTERS!